Weezer - Ok Human (Album review)


What more can be said about Weezer’s discography? After releasing two of the most cherished albums of all time the band have since seemed fairly content releasing what most would agree is straight up garbage. They’re a band that means a lot to me personally with The Blue Album and Pinkerton being two of my all-time favourite albums. Pinkerton especially would sit pretty comfortably in my top ten albums ever released. It’s hard to tell whether Weezer are self-aware or not; do Rivers and company know that they’re dropping trash, or are they deluded enough to believe they’re dropping great albums? Self-aware or not the bands last two full length original albums, The Black Album and Pacific Daydream are up there with the worst music the band have ever dropped, sounding more like 5 Seconds of Summer than any credible alternative rock band.

Sadly, Ok Human is a continuation of Weezer’s terrible form, the name which is most likely a reference to Radiohead’s classic album Ok Computer draws on many of the same themes across the album but in the most out of touch boomer who is afraid of technology kind of way. Rivers is basically digging up a point that was considered quite relevant twenty years ago and repurposing it in an on the nose, cringe and out of touch way. Musically the album sounds like every other recent Weezer album except for an overwhelming use of strings which do compliment the album in parts but weigh the album down much more often.

Take the opening track and lead single All My Favourite Songs which I think is by far the best track despite its many flaws; it’s a heartfelt and honest song and the strings sit quite nicely on this song as well. It’s got a catchy and fun chorus but struggles to ever escape the cheesiness of Rivers’ song writing.

The song Grapes of Wrath is truly awful, here Rivers is reading various classic novels such as Grapes of Wrath and 1984 but instead of reading the books he’s listening to them on Audible, which apparently was a good enough idea to write a whole song about it. It’s just so painfully uninspiring and unaware of how pathetic his faux meta take on technology is; I’m not even so sure Rivers knows what point he’s trying to make on this one. Then to add insult to injury the song is so terrible and generic which makes for a challenging listen.

Next comes the track Numbers, a slower paced song about how numbers control our life.  From being too tall for something to having an IQ too low to understand something, the whole song is full of unapologetic cliché. It’s just a super underwhelming cold take once again that’s boring and littered with cheaply slapped together layers chugging towards a terrible climax.

Playing my Piano probably takes the title of worst track on the album.  This is effectively a song about how much Rivers loves playing his piano. In fact he mentions that he gets so into playing that ‘Kim Jong Un could blow up my city, I’d never know’. All I can imagine here is that Rivers was sat playing piano and singing whatever came into his head, the fact that this track made it onto the album surely shows the band are having a creative drought even by their standards.

The song Mirror Image is one of the better songs but mainly because it isn’t long enough to develop any of River’s terrible ideas. Before you have any time to even think about this song though we are already knee deep in the next song Screens, which you guessed it, is a song about how everybody is always looking at screens nowadays.

The next few largely forgettable tracks completely detour away from the message the rest of the album was conveying, did Rivers get bored of his own point or just give up on the idea? I don’t know but honestly there is nothing towards the end of this album worth waiting for.

Ok Human is sadly a bland, cringe, out of touch and half arsed mess. Most of the songs are so cheesy and generic they’re unlistenable before you even touch on the message the band are trying to convey. Honestly if a 15 year old wrote this album I would think they needed to mature a little, the fact that Rivers is a grown adult man is simply embarrassing.

Overall a very poor attempt at making an album that features some social commentary, Weezer rehash points that have been made thousands of times before in a much more immature way. I guess if there is a market for a version of Ok Computer targeted at boomers then this album will do well, but I can’t see how anyone in 2021 would want to listen to this collection of terrible and infuriating songs.  


Best tracks – All My Favourite Songs, Mirror Image

Worst tracks – Numbers, Playing my Piano, Aloo Gobi, Grapes of Wrath, Screens, Bird with a Broken Wing, Dead Roses, Here Comes the Rain


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